Information for Authors
Manuscript preparation
It is to be stated that any manuscript not complying the stated instructions of the journal will be returned to the author for correction without further processing. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The authors would be held entirely responsible for any such incident. Any part of the article submitted to this journal should not be published anywhere else. The corresponding author should register in the journal website, providing all necessary information before submitting the article. All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Copyright Assignment Form, duly signed by the corresponding author(Copyright Assignment Form) Text should be written in standard grammatical English with MS office word 97-2003 or 2007. All portions of the article must be typed double spaced. Any abbreviation, symbol or legend used should be defined clearly. All pages should be numbered, starting from the title page. All manuscripts should be comprised of the following parts;
- Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction (Background of the study could be included here)
- Methods and materials
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement (Optional)
- Tables, Figures and Legends
- References
- Abbreviations (Optional)
First page of the article (Title page)
The first page of the article should have:
- A full Title of the article in block letters without abbreviation. The title should be informative about the content of the article and brief.
- If the title is more than 80 characters and space, a short running title having not more than 40 characters and space should be provided.
- Full name and surname of all authors are required. Corresponding author should be clearly mentioned.
- Affiliations of all authors and electronic address of corresponding author must be provided. The address should be updated if there is any change.
The abstract of the manuscript should concisely demonstrate the unique elements of the work and significance of the study. It should be within 300 words for original and review articles and 150 words for brief communications. It should contain the aim of the study, important materials and techniques performed in the study, the findings of the study and the significance and implications of the study. The abstract would be in past tense.
For Review articles, abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible and references should not be cited.
Following abstract, author should provide 5 to 10 key words for the article.
The introduction should clearly state the problem under consideration with relevant literature and the way to solve the problem. The introduction should be clear enough so that scientists from a broad area of expertise can easily understand.
Methods and Materials
Should have a complete method so that the results could be reproducible.Should be written in past tense. Only truly new methods should be described in details. Methods that are already in papers should be mentioned and cited. Any modification of the conventional methods should be declared in brief. Trade name and name and address of manufacturers should be mentioned. Subheadings can be used.
Statistical methods: The methods of statistical analysis should be described in sufficient detail that a knowledgeable reader could reproduce the analysis if the data were available. The word “significant” should be used only if a result is statistically significant. A P value or confidence interval should be cited in the text for any statistically significant finding reported; wherever possible, exact P values should be given.
Human cells and Animal studies:
Result should clearly and precisely describe the findings of the experiment. Should be written in present tense. It should be relevant to the purpose of the study and should be explained without referring to the literature. No need to discuss or interpret the result in this section.
Should discuss and interpret the results and describe its significance. Should be relevant to the stated problem and should clearly mention the findings of the experiments as well as its implementation. Should be written in present tense.
People, institute, grants, funds etc could be acknowledged and should be brief.
Should be created in Microsoft office word documents.Tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. Should be minimum in number and should be double spaced with foot notes or legends. It should be simple and self explanatory without referring to the text. Data should not be repetitive.
Pictures should be in Tiff format and preferably colored. Should be numbered and legends begins with a title and brief description of the figure that would be enough to explain the figure. Same goes for graphs.
Legends and Abbreviations
Legends should start with a title and should have description. Details have been mentioned above. Non standard abbreviations should be listed. Non standard abbreviations would be only used If the term is very long and is been used often. Only recommended SI units should be used. Standard abbreviations (DNA, ATP etc) need not to be listed.
References must be double-spaced and a unique number is assigned to each reference as it is used. The original number assigned to the reference is used each time that reference is cited in the text. The first reference cited would be numbered 1 in the text, and the second reference cited would be numbered 2, and so on. If reference number 1 is cited again later in the text, it would be cited using the number 1. and numbered consecutively as they are cited. At the end of the paper references are listed in numerical order in a bibliography. If they have the same author, they should be in chronological order. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according the style used in Medline. Abbreviated titles can be found in the PubMed Journals Database. Reference should have names of the authors followed by title of the article, name of the journal on short form, year of publication with full stops in between. After year of publication, semicolon would be used followed by volume and page numbers. There should be a colon between volume and page number.
For book references, writers’ names would be followed by name of the chapter (If applicable), book name, edition, publisher’s name, year of publication and page number.
They must be presented according to the following examples:
- Ayers ML, Beamis JF Jr. Rigid bronchoscopy in the twenty-first century. Clin Chest Med. 2001;22:355-64.
- Ginsberg RJ, Vokes EE, Ruben A. Non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer: principles and practice of oncology, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997: 858-911.
Brief communications:
Text should be within 1000 words with maximum 3 figures and tables. Should present a complete study with limited scope. Abstract should be shorter. Other than original articles, short communications don’t need to have methods and materials rather the procedure can be described in legends. Results and Discussion should be written under one heading – ‘Result and Discussion’.
Manuscript submission
Manuscript prepared according to the given instruction should be submitted online to this email address:
The corresponding author will get a feedback from the same email ID, with a review number. The review process may take 3-6 months.
If the manuscript is not compatible to the stated format of the journal would be returned the author without further processing
Editorial Enquiries
Editorial Assistant
Gargy Lahiry MSc
Tel: +603-91457670
E-ISSN 2232-0822
Editorship and Board
Chua Kien Hui PhD
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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